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Vitamins & Supplements Remodel Clinic SaltWrap
Sale price$49.95
COLLAGEN SYNTHESIS - Collagen Peptides for Joints SaltWrap
Sale price$54.95

"Collagen Synthesis™ targets exactly what we want – to build stronger joints and support healing."

Alaina Curry, Doctor of Physical Therapy

MAG 3D - Non-Drowsy Muscle and Nerve Support SaltWrap
Sale price$39.95

“Mag 3D™ relieved muscle spasms I've had for 30+ years. 'Astounded' is the only word I can think of.”

Mary C.

JOINT CLINIC - Joint Recovery Multivitamin SaltWrap
Sale price$68.95

“Joint Clinic™ is nothing short of AMAZING!"

Darla C.

Built from Broken: A Science-Based Guide to Healing Painful Joints, Preventing Injuries, and Rebuilding Your Body (Paperback) SaltWrap
Sale price$16.99 Regular price$29.95

"To say this book blew me away is an understatement."

Becca GT

Joint & Muscle Recovery Bundle SaltWrap
Sale price$184.95 Regular price$198.85

“My husband says he never wants to be without Joint Clinic™. He’s 77 and golfing again like he was 30. Thank you!”

Cindy C.